Signs of Human Trafficking

Although we’ve discussed the topic of signs of human trafficking before, it never hurts to brush up on important information like this! So, lets review some signs that could be indicative of a human trafficking situation:

  • The person is constantly supervised and appears to never be alone.

  • The person is not in control of their own documents, such as their ID or travel documents like passports and visas.

  • The person is not being paid for their work, or owes their employer money.

  • The person is living and working in isolated conditions, or seem to be living in the same place they work.

  • They feel pressured to stay in their current job.

  • They are under 18 and trying to solicit sex in exchange for payment.

  • The person works in a place where it may be common to be pressured into providing sexual services.

  • They don’t seem to know where exactly they are geographically.


Questions for Potential Trafficking Victims


Types of Trafficking